Monday, October 31, 2005

Legally Blind...not blonde...

So I'm thinking that at the current rate I'm going, my eyes won't work by the time I'm 25 or so. Having my eyes 2 feet away from a computer screen for around 3 hours a day at the least, surely cannot be healthy for ones optic nerve assembly, no? Also factor in the averaged 5-6 hours of sleep nightly (not counting Friday nights when i go to sleep early), and the extreme of extreme tropical climate in which i live. I also don't wear my glasses as much as I should I'm sure, so my eyes surely aren't "breathing" like they should be but I'm a good kid I don't sleep in my contacts like the other 2 contact lens wearing members of my family.

Due to lack of stimulating activities, and the fact that my computer is an absolute necessity in daily life, yea, I spend way too long frying my eyes by staring at the screen with my bad posture (I'm thinking of looking at getting one of those 'kneeling' chair things that your weight is balanced between your pelvis and knees so it somehow makes you have good posture...wha..i don't know but i saw one once and i swear it looked totally cool.) , and considering that my eyes are always stinging during this, that just might be a bad sign.
So you know how they say teenagers need like 9-10 hours of un-interrupted sleep per night, and blah blah blah? I really can't see how that is possible, unless each child was a super genius with powers of supreme speed. If we sleep 10 hours, then we spend 8 hours at school, then half an hour to an hour in transit to/from school, then 45 minutes eating during the day (15 minutes per meal), the other 15 minutes of that meal-hour spent doing all the pre-sleep things, and then this leaves only 4 more hours. this would exclude another hour forjust general mucking around (a teenager who spends only ONE hour a day mucking around? Gawd, who IS that kid, can I meet him?), and oh say another 20 minutes just for kicks of getting dressed, then after that you only have 2 hours and 40 minutes. If a teenager can do all their homework AND all the other things teenagers do (i.e. watch useless shit on tv, glue our eyes to computers, work at jobs to earn money, etc.), then honestly, I reckon they must be some kinda not human. If I did that, hoenstly, I don't think I'd have enough NON-sleep time to do enough things to spend enough energy that I'd be able to fall asleep again come the next sleep session. Oh wait and I forgot taking a shower. Factor that in as half an hour a day. Must be all those damned home-schooled goody-two-shoes kids whose parents educate them with Bob Jones University Press curriculum and run them like slaves. I've known too many of them. Have you seen them? On Wifeswap (ha. go figure. when i went and just type in the address bar, i got a load of sites for community swingers. good stuff, swingers) ? Huh? Have You? It's not staged!!! They're freaks I tell you, FREAKS!!


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Rebekah said...

Those chairs are not very expensive at IKEA. When you come out to visit in Feb we can probably buy you one. They probably come like all the other IKEA stuff, in a flat box, so it'll be easy for you to maneuver back home.

At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? I am coming to visit you in Feb?? hmm.....intruiging....did you read the last comment i left on your blog....
It was that sort of chair you know the Potter's house had one like eons ago, but yea...they were wikkid cool


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